السبت، 26 أبريل 2014

هل تصدق أن سرعة المربعات هي واحدة وحركتهم متساوية

Believe it or not, these four squares move at the same constant speed
These four squares appear to move at different speeds, stopping and moving, waiting for each other in pairs. In reality, they are always moving at exactly the same constant speed. Seriously. I opened the GIF in Photoshop and used guides to measure it—in every frame, the squares align perfectly.
Their motion is exactly the same but the stark contrast of the lines and the light yellow and the dark blue makes them look desynchronized while in motion. Your brain has difficulty seeing the yellow edges against the white and the dark blue against the black.
The yellow appears to speed slow down as it enters the white lines, while the blue appears to slow down as it enters the black lines. In reality, it's all an optical illusion. Only when the squares get close to each other your brain realizes they are moving at the same speed.

علم الميكانيكا


فن تصوير تفتح الزهور في الصباح

This time lapse of fireflies is art in motion

Shot over the Summer of 2013 primarily in Lake of the Ozarks, MO as well as Grand Ledge, MI. The majority of the Summer I dedicated to photographing fireflies, because, well, they are just awesome. Nothing quite ends a hot and humid Summer day like the blessing of the majestic fireflies. Lake of the Ozarks is a fantastic home to the creatures. Being out on the boat and watching as they light the treeline with their all night disco party is just amazing. My good friend Brandon McCoy was nice enough to compose this track specifically for this video, which he tore-up, fantastic work on his part. This is my first complete time-lapse video, more to come!

شاهد كرة تكسر زجاج بحركة بطيئة - 10 مليون أطار في الثانية

Watch a ball breaking glass filmed at 10 million frames per second

الأحد، 6 أبريل 2014

كل خرائط العالم التى تدرس في مدراسنا خطأ !

الخريطة التى تدرس في مدارسنا تم استحداثها سنة 1596 لمساعدة البحارة في السفر حول العالم .. لكن مقاس القارات والدول الفقيرة  تم تشويها لصالح الاثرياء  "قارة أوروبا وامريكا"
Why every world map you're looking at is WRONG ؟
The Mercator projection, the map most commonly seen hanging in classrooms and in text books, was created in 1596 to help sailors navigate the world. The familiar map gives the right shapes of land masses, but at the cost of distorting their sizes in favour of the wealthy lands to the north
الخريطة الاصح الاقرب للواقع هنا والتى تم رسمها بواسطة D. Arno Peters سنة  1974 والتى تبرز الحجم الحقيقي لقارة أفريقيا وأمريكا الجنوبية و دولة الهند

One of the best alternatives to the Mercator projection was presented in 1974 by D. Arno Peters (pictured). The Gall-Peters projection makes seeing the relative size of places much easier

المصدر : صحيفة الديلي ميل

ماكينة تقطيع الورق

Cutting Machine

الجمعة، 4 أبريل 2014

وسادة هوائية للدراجات Airbag helmet

وسادة هوائية لسائقي الدراجات مريحة اكثر وتعطي حماية ثلاثة اضعاف الخوذة التقليدية

Wearable airbag is three times SAFER than traditional gear

الأربعاء، 2 أبريل 2014